Does a cortisone shot make you gain weight? (2024)

Does a cortisone shot make you gain weight?

Description: corticosteroids are known to frequently cause weight gain in patients. This gain is is usually moderate, consisting of 1 to 2 kilograms of added mass. In addition, corticosteroids enlarge certain aspects of the face.

How much weight can cortisone make you gain?

In a research study over a two-year period, this usage caused patients to gain between 4-8% of their baseline body weight (Da Silva et al., 2006). So, when it comes to oral steroids, there is evidence to suggest that weight gain is a possible side effect.

How do you prevent weight gain from cortisone injections?

The best strategy in the short-term is to take measures to prevent or minimize weight gain as much as possible:
  1. Eat healthy and stay active.
  2. Reduce sodium intake and drink lots of water.
  3. To satisfy an increased appetite and curb snacking, choose healthy proteins, fiber-rich carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables.
May 12, 2023

What are side effects of cortisone injections?

Side effects can include:
  • Cartilage damage.
  • Death of nearby bone.
  • Joint infection.
  • Nerve damage.
  • Short-term facial flushing.
  • Short-term flare of pain, swelling and irritation in the joint.
  • Short-term increase in blood sugar.
  • Tendon weakening or rupture.
Sep 21, 2023

How do you get rid of cortisone weight gain?

Weight gain is a common side effect of prednisone. But the likelihood of it happening can depend on how long you're taking the medication. You can prevent or reverse weight gain from prednisone through lifestyle changes. This includes eating a healthy diet, exercising, and avoiding longer courses of prednisone.

Do cortisone injections cause increased appetite?

Side effects of injections given into the blood tend to be similar to side effects of steroid tablets, such as increased appetite, mood changes and difficulty sleeping (insomnia).

Can a cortisone shot cause water retention?

Increased fluid retention: Cortisone injections can lead to an increased risk of fluid retention, leading to swelling in the limbs and lung congestion. Often, fluid retention occurs due to high, long-term doses of cortisone.

Does cortisone affect metabolism?

The effects of corticosteroids are widespread, including profound alterations in carbohydrate, protein, and lipid metabolism, and the modulation of electrolyte and water balance.

Why does cortisone make you puffy?

Because cortisone is involved in regulating the body's balance of water, sodium, and other electrolytes, using these drugs can promote fluid retention and sometimes cause or worsen high blood pressure. Self-care tips: Watch for swelling of your ankles, and report this to your doctor.

What is considered rapid weight gain?

Rapid weight gain or swelling in particular areas of the body (edema) can be due to fluid retention. According to the American Heart Association , weight gain of more than 2–3 pounds (lb) over 24 hours or 5 lb in a week could be a sign of heart failure.

How long does weight gain last after steroid injection?

The good news is, once the steroids are stopped and your body readjusts, the weight generally comes off. This usually happens within 6 months to a year.

Is there a downside to cortisone shots?

But, as with any treatment, there can be side effects, which for cortisone injections include facial flushing and headaches. There can also be fat necrosis, which is like a divot in the skin, and hypopigmentation [an area of pale skin] at the injection site, Dr.

Does a cortisone shot affect the whole body?

Cortisone can travel into your bloodstream and cause full-body side effects.

Does cortisol cause belly fat weight gain?

“Overproduction of cortisol can cause belly fat,” Vincent said. “As your cortisol goes up, so does your blood sugar. And when our blood sugar goes up, our pancreas is going to output insulin.” Cortisol itself can cause weight gain, but then the increased insulin can add to weight gain as well, she added.

Is steroid weight gain reversible?

Prednisone can cause weight gain by increasing water retention and appetite. You may also notice more fat in certain areas due to redistribution. Not everyone gains a lot of weight while taking prednisone, but most people gain some. The increases should stop once you're on a lower dosage or off the drug.

Why do I feel weird after cortisone shot?

Some people have a reaction to a cortisone shot called a flare. Usually, the cortisone flare occurs within 24 to 48 hours of the shot and causes pain or inflammation around the injection site.

What is the difference between a steroid shot and a cortisone shot?

Cortisone shots are a type of corticosteroid. Corticosteroids are manufactured drugs that closely resemble cortisol, a hormone your adrenal glands produce naturally. Healthcare providers sometimes refer to corticosteroids by the shortened term "steroids."

Does cortisone make you tired?

Key facts. The most common side effects of hydrocortisone tablets are feeling dizzy, headaches, swollen ankles and feeling weak or tired. Taking hydrocortisone tablets can affect your immune system so you're more likely to get infections.

Should I walk around after a cortisone shot?

Do you need to rest after steroid injections? We advise rest for between 24 and 48 hours after injection in the joint. For tendon injections, we advise a longer rest period. This can be anywhere between 2 and 3 weeks.

Should I drink water while taking cortisone?

Tips. Take with food and a full glass of water to reduce the risk of prednisone adversely affecting your stomach. Single doses are preferred over split doses; however, larger dosages may be split.

Can cortisol cause trouble losing weight?

It is important to note that cortisol is known to increase appetite and encourage consumption of foods that are high in fat and sugar. As such, maintaining significant calorie restriction may be made more difficult by elevated cortisol levels and you may need additional support to stick to this weight loss method.

Is cortisol weight gain or loss?

While high cortisol levels may seem more common, it's important to be aware of the effects of low cortisol as well. Chronically elevated cortisol levels may promote overeating and weight gain, whereas low cortisol levels may lead to weight loss in some instances.

Do steroids make you bloated?

After the initial dose of steroids, you may experience swollen ankles as well as a general swollen and bloated feeling throughout your body.

Is face a side effect of cortisone?

Taking prednisone or other corticosteroids can cause fat deposits on the side of your skull, giving you a round-faced appearance known as moon face. Moon face can also be a symptom of other health conditions, including Cushing's syndrome and hypothyroidism. Your treatment for moon face will depend on the cause.

Can steroids affect bowel movements?

Some evidence shows that steroid medications can also affect the signals sent from your brain to your stomach and intestines to help muscles contract. This means stool might not move through your colon as smoothly, which could also cause constipation.


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